Designing a landing page for the Blockchain conference

A short tale of thoughts and processes that went behind designing the overall landing page for a Blockchain Conference.

Vilakshan Patel
4 min readSep 21, 2021


“Meet at the Block” firm doesn’t really exist, it’s an assumed company I came up with for this project. This project was done as part of the 10K Designers assignment.


Over the last few years, the concept of decentralization and blockchain came into the limelight. As it was becoming a hot topic, a lot of blockchain conferences started to occur throughout the world. Some of them were remote experiences while some require physical presence. One of the main advantages was it served as a hotspot for investors, learners, and entrepreneurs. With myself being a Blockchain maximalist, was very excited to explore and design a landing page for Blockchain Niche.


The process began by searching and exploring similar Blockchain conferences. I noted down what all these conferences have to offer in the following:

  • Main categories
  • Subcategories
  • Pricing structure
  • The flow of the information
  • Visual hierarchy, colors, and typo.

Next, I did a lateral exploration of the websites/pages that are beyond the Niche. This helps me to get a fresh perceptive to involve it in my design.

Also as a part of secondary research, dig deep into the Blockchain Niche looking and reached out to different Blockchain communities asking if they ever to been such a conference and what are there expectations:

  • Age groups — A huge range starting from 20 to 60 years old.
  • Key stakeholders — startup guys, investors or builders
  • value proposition — Networking, Learning, and Funding

Both Primary and Secondary research helps to understand the Niche and user needs from an actual user's eye.


After setting the flow of the landing page and deciding what to put and what not to, the next step was to develop the brand identity and wireframes. Developed the Information architecture for the landing page. This was develop based on results of the competitive analysis as well as secondary research.


After setting the flow of the landing page and deciding what to put and what not to, the next step was to develop the brand identity.

Let’s start with LOGO

I wanted the logo to be matching with the flavor of the industry. Idea was to use the word Blockchain. So, I came up with the following idea.

The second step is to build a Color palette and Typography

I want to have a techy touch to the overall website since Blockchain is the new emerging technology and it would perfectly match with it. So, I decided to make a dark theme website along with bright colors like Pink and Violet making it future generation ready.


Designing and building the real product and customer experience. As the confidence in my solution got increased with the past steps, time to design the final landing page that consists of visual elements and actual typography. The final product is a blockchain conference in Miami, FL consisting of a physical conference that includes networking events, pitch competitions as well as guest lecture series.

Let start with HERO SECTION

The following was the thought process behind designing this hero section.

  • Keeping the hero simple and minimal but yet techy enough to make it attractive at first glance.
  • Added only the required typography elements that give a basic understanding of what the actual event is all about along with when and where.
  • A CTA right on the hero section to increase the conversion ratio.

Let’s look at the other sections of the website

That’s all folks! Thank you so much for scrolling and reading until now 😃

My key learning for a design process

  1. Research is a very key stage while designing UI and UX of anything whether it’s even a single landing page.
  2. There isn’t a correct design process, it depends on what works out for you. Also, this depends on what you are designing.
  3. Iterations are the key and mother of all inventions.

That’s a wrap. 🌈 Thanks for reading 😉

Don’t forget to check out my other case study

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Vilakshan Patel

Product Designer by day and web 3.0 nerd by night. Designer in residence at DesignX Community, 10K designers. Member at SuperteamDAO